For many folks, life is essentially hell on earth. If you’ve ever seriously explored the modern-day slavery industry, the lack of clean water and basic healthcare around the globe, or the constant struggles currently related to race and COVID, you at least have an idea how rotten things are for a lot of people.
But even those who live removed from oppression, sickness, or death have experienced deep, difficult times of suffering and loss. To some degree, it has injured us, and at some point our minds all wonder if and where God is in the midst of it.
This is a difficult topic, especially now. And sometimes it’s even tough to read about if you’re stuck in a particularly bad place. However, I have found that even while in the valley, understanding what God says about human suffering, why it exists like it does, and what his responses are to it make a lot more sense of it. And make it so much easier to endure (Click to tweet). I recall profound personal examples of how a biblically accurate mindset has transformed frustration and despair to satisfaction and joy, and I want that same kind of peace for you.
In Booklet 5 of Healing Hereafter (Chapter 23 in the paperback), we endeavor to develop such a mindset, to see how God is heavily invested in solving this problem with us, and to bring some closure to this annoying question. Download the booklet or the whole ebook series in two clicks right here.
Perhaps more importantly, we’ve partnered with Worldwide House Church to offer the charities most research-proven to give you the most impact-per-dollar – and you pick the cause (Click to tweet)! Since they focus most where the needs are greatest, whatever God’s given you to reduce suffering will go a very long way here!