Healing Hereafter

Author & illustrator bios

Bio 1

Jason Dykstra: I work as a physician specializing in diagnostic radiology, and for 20 years I’ve also volunteered as a mentor to hundreds of students and young adults. My Healing Hereafter book project arose by combining the evidence-based problem-solving inherent to my profession with the joy of tackling the complex questions of the Christian faith that so many friends have asked. Navigating such universal and relevant concerns with other explorers has been so freeing and healing for me. I hope it’s even more so for you!

My wife and I live in West Michigan with our two children, who have brought with them the great blessings of family, adoption, and a diversity of friends. We continue to mentor students/young adults and participate in the trans-racial adoption community. We love advocating for those exploring adoption, experiencing infertility, or in need of physical or spiritual healing.

Challenged by the example of Jesus and others to keep less and bless more, our family lives off less than $50K each year to experience the amazing joy, relationships, and restoration that the remaining resources can produce. It’s very humbling to better appreciate those who give under far more sacrificial circumstances. And it’s inspiring to see the beautiful fruit borne by challenging oneself to heal the hereafters of others.

Bio 2


Illustrator Biographies

As someone who highly values the skill and potential of students, I chose young, up-and-coming artists in college or high school as illustrators, highly recommended to me by their drawing instructors. I was very impressed with both their abilities and maturity and am pleased to let them show the world their work in Healing Hereafter! They are…



Emily Oliver: Originally from Springfield, VA, Emily has always loved to draw on anything she could get her hands on. Much of her art instruction came from observation and advice from her mother, and she has developed a particular passion for painting and cartooning. Creating comics that make people laugh is one of her favorite pastimes. Enjoy a sampling of her artwork on Instagram (emster007). Emily illustrated Parts 3, 5, 8, and 9 of Healing Hereafter.



Brooke Wolters: Starting early on with snowmen and rainbows, Brooke has enjoyed drawing all her life. She started experimenting with charcoal, pen, acrylics, and oils in high school. With the encouragement of her art teacher, she began to take her work more seriously. Now a graduate of Hope College, she is using her art education to glorify God and his kingdom. Brooke illustrated Parts 4 and 6 of Healing Hereafter.



Harrison Gugino: An American born in France, Harrison grew up reading graphic novels and watching anime. She has loved drawing ever since she could pick up a pencil. She’s particularly skilled portraying people in various states of emotion, which she enjoyed depicting in Healing Hereafter. As a student still early in her education, future career plans are far from decided. Harrison illustrated Parts 2 and 7 of Healing Hereafter.