How I’ve Seen Black Lives Matter Most

I just returned home from playing 18 holes of mini-golf with my wife and three other very special people (as pictured): my two sons and my 10 year-old mentee. Given the recent increase in very emotionally-charged conversations about race and the situation of black...


Guess what? I got to do it again! Right after recently guest teaching a section of my big sis Ms. Sherrington’s Creative Writing class, I had the privilege of doing it once more with her colleague’s class as well. One of the best aspects of teaching is how...

How Long Do You Wanna Live?

So yesterday I found myself totally lost in convoluted hallways, marveling at how tall the lockers were, and my older sister was there with me in the same building. The last time that all happened, I was a 14 year-old freshman, so I was having some major dejavu!...

Helping Others Help Me to Help Many

I love me some Emperor’s New Groove! So in this scene we’ve got Pacha—suffering from a poverty of experience and resources—and we have Kuzco—suffering from a poverty of humility and compassion. For both intentional and unintentional reasons, they find...