by Jason Dykstra | Sep 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
I adamantly maintain that there are two transitions in life that teach you more than any others. The first is having a second child. The second is well, I won’t say, because everyone has at least one uniquely educational transition that I don’t know about!...
by Jason Dykstra | May 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
There’s a dude on the street corner wearing a big sign with flames on it telling you in a rather angry voice that you’re going to Hell. Or maybe you’re more familiar with the church folks who say all the right Christian things but exhibit lives that...
by Jason Dykstra | May 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
This is probably the most difficult question I have come across studying the Bible, out of the hundreds I’ve written on. What I find interesting is how many folks seem to offer a very quick and definitive answer, except that half of them say yes and the other...
by Jason Dykstra | May 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
Yep, there I am…well, my toes anyway. And yep, there’s T-rex chomping at my poor digits with all the ferocity and determination of a 4-year-old. I’m not gonna lie, rubber T-rex bites can still be painful, but much less so when you’re ready for...
by Jason Dykstra | Mar 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
For some, there’s nothing more terrifying than the phrase “free will versus predestination.” See, I already lost some of you. Whether it brings folks back to a sharp disagreement, to a religion course that significantly lowered their GPA, or to the...