Healing Hereafter


How Sovereign Is God Anyway?

Chances are you've heard them, or maybe you've even asked them. The sometimes silly and sometimes serious questions about God like, "Can he make a burrito so hot he can't eat it?" or "If he can do everything, how come he can't sin?" Often these inquiries concern the sovereignty of God and how...

Where the Bible Teaches We Go Before Heaven or Hell

It's astonishing how prevalent the belief is that we live, die, and then go to heaven or hell, because it really has little to no support from the Bible. And yet I believed this for many years myself! Perhaps it's simple, and that's why it's common, or perhaps some understandably look forward so...

Who Does the Bible Say Is in Heaven Right Now?

The last chapter of Healing Hereafter I posted about concerned three people in the Bible who seemed to have been taken to heaven at some point while they were still alive. We discovered that none of these examples provided evidence that humans go there immediately after dying, and we can even...

The Value of Living in Learning

No no no, not living and learning, although that's also a good idea. Living in learning! What do I mean? Well, there are those who compartmentalize education and the fun parts of life...they study (maybe) and then they have fun. Then there are those who have fun studying, and no, not in a...

I’ve Always Valued the Face Without the Facade

Darkness fell, I watched the future Gollum put a worm on a hook, and several hours later I had just undergone such an enjoyable cinematic experience that I was one big teary mess! Return of the King is still my favorite movie, but that showing was also significant for another reason. I met Adam...


Healing Hereafter

As featured by

NPR, Bread for the World, Bethany Christian Services, Author Talks, the Christian Medical and Dental Association, West Michigan Christian News, & multiple others!
