Who Does Decide How This All Plays Out?

Who Does Decide How This All Plays Out?

In this bleak mid-winter, I heard a sound the other night that I never hear in January. An explosion of fireworks happened to interrupt my evening – and just after I had seen an Instagram post about how proud so many folks still are to sing the national anthem!...
Feelin’ Lucky?

Feelin’ Lucky?

It’s true. As a kid I was always enthralled with the spinning wheel of lotto balls that eventually allowed enough to escape into the heavenly row determining the winning sequence. But I didn’t care about money or the millions simultaneously glued to their TV and...
See Evil, Hear Evil, Do Evil?

See Evil, Hear Evil, Do Evil?

Ahhh. I just had the great privilege of spending some time away in the beauty of Minnesota’s Boundary Waters (and taking a month off from blogging!). It was so beautifully quiet and visually stunning! In the long, serene hours moseying around nature, I listened...
When Self Help Just Can’t Help

When Self Help Just Can’t Help

Nowadays, you can’t get within a mile of a bookstore without spotting scads of self-help (or “self-care”) titles, and this may be the mother of them all! It offers not one, but fifty different methods to help yourself out of whatever problems you...
A Fate Worse Than Laundry

A Fate Worse Than Laundry

I had an engaging conversation the other day about how having a mammalian pet is like having an extra kid. Maybe the same is true for reptiles or amphibians, I don’t know. Then later that day, I was relaxing on the couch when a distinct odor caught my...