You work hard, you deal with (sometimes difficult) people, and you want to see results, right? Of course. And most of us don’t just want results for ourselves, but for people who need our help too. You’ve probably heard me talk about our financial partner Bless BIG. It’s our way to heal people’s hereafters in the world right now, while the Healing Hereafter e-book series helps makes sense of the hereafter to come.

Bless BIG researches and recommends the charities that will get you the most proven results from your donations, for people who are literally dying for your help! And since Bless BIG just did a major update to their charity list, I wanted you to hear how they allow anyone to heal so many hereafters with them! In their own words…

Thanks for your desire to bless others! At Bless BIG, it’s easy for anyone to make a BIG, proven, difference – via exciting Impact Trips or simply by giving. But how? In relatively well-off communities like the US, the problems money is good at solving have largely been solved. We no longer see them, so we don’t develop personal or emotional inclinations to think about them or give to them.

But since there’s still excess money and a desire to do good, almost all donations are given instead where money has always provided the least successful, least reliable, and least enduring solutions. We all know that the billions and billions spent on highly-publicized, sociopolitical, incredibly complex, or chronically entrenched problems have – at best – made very little progress, usually for very short periods of time. For no other reason than circumstance, we see and thus care about what money is terrible at fixing.

It’s the perfect storm. 94% of US donations stay in the US. Less than 0.1% of impoverished people live in the US. It costs over 2000 times as much to save a life in the US as it does in the poorest nations. Your generosity is being wasted, and millions of oppressed women, defeated men, and hopeless children pay the (often ultimate) price.

But it’s really easy to fix! Bless BIG simply helps you develop new inclinations toward much more cost-effective populations and charities, to allow your generosity to fix the needs you care about far more fruitfully! As above, almost everyone else will maintain the status quo, so you and your giving are free to fly! We’ve spent hundreds of hours of research to bring you the most evidence-based and impactful secular and Christian charities.



For giving to be truly altruistic, a recipient receiving the most good is valued above the donor feeling the most good. Since our Top Recommendations and Honorable Mentions outperform thousands of other non-profits, they help you feel the most good by doing the most good! Here’s why they’ll maximize your impact through Bless BIG…

Our team has combined the data and diverse rating systems of 23 of the best-known charity evaluators (e.g. Charity Navigator, Give Well, Ministry Watch, etc.). This allows us to comprehensively base our recommendations on all 3 primary parameters of effectiveness: Impact Evidence (e.g. high-quality, third-party scientific research), Budget Transparency/Efficiency, and the Relative Need of those receiving aid. See our complete methodology and compare charities here.

To get the most goodness for our money, we ourselves have switched virtually all of our own giving to Bless BIG charities! Why settle for a tiny sip of your favorite beverage when you can savor the whole glorious glass? And when what you’re savoring is as satisfying as saving lives, it’s so much more fulfilling! Our uniquely thorough rating system makes it easy, and our database is regularly updated and always free.

Just pick your favorite cause group, then decide which charity allows you to make your biggest difference! 100% of your gift goes directly to them, nothing to us! Bless BIG exists to help you be fulfilled and fruitful, by championing the people and causes you were created to love. We wanna save the most lives possible, today and forever. And every dollar you donate through Bless BIG helps to heal those hereafters, right now!