Ever read one of those “See what they look like now!” celebrity web articles? Especially if the title implies they don’t look quite so good as they used to? Well I have, so this is a safe space to admit it! 🙂 Occasionally, the context can be healthy – like when we’re encouraged not to try to look perfect, since no one else can maintain that. But often there can be an unfortunately satisfying “this person is getting ugly – maybe even uglier than me” theme behind these slideshows.
And if we’re honest, this theme of comparisons permeates our mind in many relationships, whether it’s being applied to the worth of others or ourselves. The resultant damage has been incalculable, so let’s find some healing for this hurt!
Net worth. What a strange term to attach to a human, but how frequently it is! And at tax time, when all of your assets are being tallied and revealed, this tendency is even more common. What’s interesting, revealing, and very sad is that this worth is almost always assessed by an external standard. Whether it’s dollars, career, performance, fame, or appearance, these criteria aren’t often indicative of who the person actually is.
One might argue that this occurs because these are somewhat quantifiable – or at least comparable – parameters. Or because there is no accurate way to determine the value of the human life behind them. But regardless of how convenient such parameters are, I believe this practice is extremely dangerous.
Without a more comprehensive, true measure of net worth, the often circumstantial or inconsistent “value indicators” above are all we’re left with. Then whenever life, the media, or societal trends devalue your abilities, popularity, assets, or beauty…you feel worth less. Perhaps worthless. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? And for many, this progresses to a fear of promoting value in others…or even a futility that ends in suicide.
But there is an escape from these illegitimate and unsustainable expectations! There is an accurate way to assess the net worth of every human, and it’s very healing! A jobless John, disabled Danielle, ostracized Oscar, or make-up-less movie star don’t ever have to lose their worth…because only one has the knowledge and authority to assign value. And it’s not them or any other human statement or standard. Only a creator can know everything comprising what has been created. Only God can determine your value. And the price-tag the Christian God has put on you – the cost he’s proven he’ll pay for you – is most precious: the life of his own son Jesus (Click to tweet!). Embrace your value; you can’t escape it!
This does not mean we earned such worth. We didn’t do anything to deserve Jesus’ sacrifice. And it certainly doesn’t mean that acknowledging such great value was meant to only bring healing to ourselves. Jesus knew his own worth so completely that gave up his own life to verify our worth to God. There’s no better proof that any follower of Jesus – any recipient of that worth – should therefore step out in confidence to bring the same value and blessing to others. “Others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else” (2 Corinthians 9:13).
To enjoy more about how and why your Creator values you so highly, check out Healing Hereafter, my free ebook series. You can instantly download whatever sections look interesting here. To confidently multiply your impact for others suffering from many inabilities leading to despair, pay God’s blessing forward in proven, beautiful ways here. And every time you are tempted to consider yourself – or another – at discount value, remember the only thing you need to know about your net worth…and the desperate need to help others find theirs too.