wisdom1If there’s one thing I’ve learned (you probably have as well), it’s that intelligence and wisdom often don’t correlate. I’ve seen the most biased, unsupportable claims preached by the academic. And I’ve heard the most enduring, practical truths casually slip from the mouths of children…sometimes with a little drool in tow.

Wisdom can crop up in the most unexpected places, like when a Carpenter and fishermen teach far more enduring truths than the assumed religious “authorities” who tried to stop them. Throughout the Bible, God constantly uses the uneducated and outcast to impart wisdom, as it keeps our pride from taking credit (1 Cor. 1:27). So I’ve identified some sagacious sayings from the famous, the failures, and the folks we encounter every day – all of which are reliable and powerful. What do you think?

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
-Benjamin Franklin
Obviously, this is true in my field of healthcare, where cures are unbelievably expensive and often not effective. But anytime you can prevent badness instead of trying to fix it, you are wise.

“I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.”
-Paul, whose academic religious training led him to imprison and kill Christians (Phil. 3:8)
God tells us he created us to commune with him forever (Acts 17:26-27). And he ever increases that intimacy through biblical history, promising to finally, fully accomplish it with the marriage of himself to the Church in heaven. What could be more wise than to embrace our true purpose and increasingly know God?

“Some praise Jesus for being tolerant, yet his beliefs were never altered by society, political pressure, or personal experiences. Some laud him for being progressive, but his own words and divinity upheld God’s/his Old Testament moral law (Matt. 5:17-20). Some assume him to be non-confrontational, yet even in his most tender moments, he directly exposed sin and preached repentance (John 4:1-42). Jesus loves his truth and people equally, because he knows he can’t love one without the other. Neither can those who claim to follow him, right?”
-Random person on the internet
This one speaks for itself, and I like that it has convicted me enough to hopefully follow God better.

“If your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshiping an idealized version of yourself.”
-Tim Keller (Click to tweet)
I’m not God, you’re not God, and the Christian God says clear and consistent things I want to disagree with. Will I let God be God when that happens, or will I aspire to be God instead?

“If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.”
-Napoleon Bonaparte, who well, didn’t end well
Maybe it’s better stated, “If you care about something being done well more than others, do it yourself.” This might seem cynical, but no one can deny that even trustworthy people don’t care about what you care about more than you. I can’t tell you how often I’ve benefited from this truth.

“Well of course we should give our extra money to people who have needs that we don’t.”
-8 year-old boy
If you happened to be the one randomly born in their impoverished corner of the world (or even if not), you’d want the same. Luck is no justification for depriving our global neighbors of that. Bless BIG, our partner in healing their hereafters, makes it incredibly easy for every penny of your donation to help the most neighbors in need. So do it!

In case you know someone this applies to. 🙂

“The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.”
-John C. Maxwell
Marriage taught me this, and I still am learning. Consider where you’re wrong first, apologize first, and don’t cast blame until you’ve done so at the mirror. I would be wise to do this more.

“The Lord gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”
-Solomon, who destroyed his own life by leaving God and wisdom (Pro. 2:6)
Well duh, God knows everything that has contributed to my past, everything that is contributing to my present, and everything that is best for my future. No one else does, especially not me. Where better to turn for the wisdom of the ages?

Even considering life’s most difficult questions, I have found it astonishing how wisely and sensibly God answers them in his Word, once you immerse yourself enough in it. Not convinced? Let’s explore more in my free e-book series Healing Hereafter. Download instantly here!