Like many other religious claims, the assumption that God has been, is, and always will be perfect is one of those givens that is often unfortunately just taught and then taken for granted. Christians assert he’s unchangingly flawless and base their whole purpose, life, and eternity around pursuing such perfection in him, but for all that is riding on this forever flawlessness, I rarely hear anyone explain why God is perfect and how he maintains his perfection.
Does God just have the most amazing will power ever, able to eternally eschew any sort of wrongdoing? If so, how can anyone claim he won’t eventually mess up? It’s a pretty big deal if he does! Did we just strike it lucky and happen to have a God that’s always perfect? Because that’s really lucky, considering all the types of deities we could have had! And if so, is God without a choice in the matter, forced to act perfectly regardless of his will? Many other questions could be asked as well, and those who depend so heavily on such an obstinately optimal deity need to find an answer! I believe there is a very good one, and we explore it in Healing Hereafter.
But what do you think and why? I’d love hear your opinion or any other options to consider! As always, later this week I’ll be advertising a blog, website, cause, or quote of whoever submits the most insightful comment, so leave a way for me to contact you if necessary.
Props to Karen Kuiper, our commentor-in-chief from Sunday’s post! When asked one of the things she’d most like to share with the world, she responded with “‘Love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.’ It makes life so much easier and helps me focus on what is REALLY important.” Thanks for sharing Karen! 🙂