Wacky Quotes for Quick Wisdom

Wacky Quotes for Quick Wisdom

Since my wife and I started dating, we’ve maintained a quote book that we sporadically review for a few good laughs. But when we started making entries for our kids, we now enjoy many great laughs! As I peruse these today though, I’m realizing how much...
When YOU Need A Good Samaritan

When YOU Need A Good Samaritan

Imagine this… There has been an accident in the middle of your local mall full of Christmas shoppers, leaving two of them injured. Your loved one is the first, actively bleeding to death. The second has a deep, painful gash in his finger that will also require...
When You Don’t Want to…but You Must

When You Don’t Want to…but You Must

You’ve almost certainly been there. For the sake of the greater good, you needed to have a conversation with someone. But you know it will be hard, as the topic is one people don’t often discuss. You try to anticipate how it will be received and therefore how to...
Why Originality Means Everything!

Why Originality Means Everything!

Yep, that’s me. Hangin’ with starfish and kissin’ a sea cucumber awhile back. Why? Well, there could be a lot of potential reasons I guess. The tour guide did tell me it would bring 7 years of good luck. And I hadn’t been popular with the...