

Did you really just say that?!? Our youngest has always been a fountain of words that no known force in the universe can suppress. I myself once earned the nickname “Constant Comment” for my occasionally chatty demeanor, but all parties now agree that he...
The Art of Wrestling with Dad

The Art of Wrestling with Dad

So if you know me at all or have read even a short part of my Healing Hereafter ebook series, you’ll have picked up that I’m kinda Type-A and like to have things neatly arranged and thought out. But today I’m thinking about politics, and we’re...
Be Thankful for What?

Be Thankful for What?

With the weather warming and all of us getting outside, there are so many things we can now see, hear, smell, and feel to be thankful for. Especially now that most of my spring yard work is behind me! Counting our blessings comes easy to us in spring, when cabin fever...
The Good Kind of Dependence

The Good Kind of Dependence

The Auto-feeder! Baby not included. Many of the young adults I’ve worked with are now at the age where they’re having kids of their own…one just last week in fact! This brings back lots of precious baby memories and makes me head right for our family...
Wacky Quotes for Quick Wisdom

Wacky Quotes for Quick Wisdom

Since my wife and I started dating, we’ve maintained a quote book that we sporadically review for a few good laughs. But when we started making entries for our kids, we now enjoy many great laughs! As I peruse these today though, I’m realizing how much...
Why Originality Means Everything!

Why Originality Means Everything!

Yep, that’s me. Hangin’ with starfish and kissin’ a sea cucumber awhile back. Why? Well, there could be a lot of potential reasons I guess. The tour guide did tell me it would bring 7 years of good luck. And I hadn’t been popular with the...