A Fate Worse Than Laundry

A Fate Worse Than Laundry

I had an engaging conversation the other day about how having a mammalian pet is like having an extra kid. Maybe the same is true for reptiles or amphibians, I don’t know. Then later that day, I was relaxing on the couch when a distinct odor caught my...


Did you really just say that?!? Our youngest has always been a fountain of words that no known force in the universe can suppress. I myself once earned the nickname “Constant Comment” for my occasionally chatty demeanor, but all parties now agree that he...
Someone Else’s Perspective

Someone Else’s Perspective

It’s easy for me to forget how many others have contributed to any successes I’d be tempted to take credit for (Click to tweet). The last few years have been a wholesome but convicting journey confronting myself with people who have positively changed the...
God for Dummies, Like Me

God for Dummies, Like Me

DISCLAIMER: We are all dummies when it comes to completely understanding a being as complex and lofty as a deity, including the Christian God. Aside from knowing his favorite cereal (obviously Cracklin’ Oat Bran!), I have to admit there are many divine details...