Four Phrases for Father’s Day

Four Phrases for Father’s Day

Here I am, about to celebrate this special day of dadding by preparing for a 17-hour mini-van trip around Lake Michigan! Exotic, you say? Well, yes, the endless construction and Wisconsin shoreline are quite lovely. No sarcasm at all. And although being pampered on a...
The Good Kind of Dependence

The Good Kind of Dependence

The Auto-feeder! Baby not included. Many of the young adults I’ve worked with are now at the age where they’re having kids of their own…one just last week in fact! This brings back lots of precious baby memories and makes me head right for our family...
When You Don’t Want to…but You Must

When You Don’t Want to…but You Must

You’ve almost certainly been there. For the sake of the greater good, you needed to have a conversation with someone. But you know it will be hard, as the topic is one people don’t often discuss. You try to anticipate how it will be received and therefore how to...