
Ahhh, it’s another good day for gratitude. What I’m thankful for today is encouragement, but of a very specific kind. Not the pep rally “you can do it” kind, nor the “I’m there for you” support kind. Those are great, but the encouragement I appreciate the very most—and the kind I consider to be most genuine—is the “Well done, you really did something helpful” type. And one person who has consistently given this kind of affirmation for a decade or so now is Madelyn Clark, so thank-you!

You see, I’m the kind of person who can’t be encouraged prospectively because no matter what kind of positive push I have going into something, I won’t feel good about it until I can confirm it actually accomplished something useful. It doesn’t have to succeed perfectly or even in the way I hoped, but at least someone needs to benefit. So when Madelyn, via her words to me and to others about me, has so often stated how my efforts have brought benefit and growth, it means an awful lot. Proof pushes better than positivity for me, so thank-you Madelyn for the ways you’ve helped me know when I’ve done well!

Who in your life confirms the benefit of the productive and fruitful things you do? Today, make sure you heal their hereafter with a dose of thanksgiving for giving you a “Well Done!”

I ask whomever I thank what resource, cause, or quote they would like to share with the world. Madelyn would like to introduce you to her Uncle Mark Tidwell’s book Leave a Mark at Mark has been battling cancer for the past four years and— propelled by his faith—wrote this book with the intention of challenging people to consider how they will spend their lives in a meaningful way. His encouragements are inspiring; take a look!