
Today we are pleased to welcome Mr. Levi Dykstra, son of the author of the new book Healing Hereafter, for an insider’s perspective on the writing/publishing process. Let’s begin.

Levi, thanks for joining us today. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I ride rides, and I like my Big Wheel and scooter.

Seems you enjoy life in the fast lane, but I’ve also heard you enjoy scooting through books just as quickly. Have you had a chance to pick up your father’s book Healing Hereafter yet?

Very concise. What insights about it would you like to share?
It sure is a big Bible book!

True, the summaries and quick-read version of the book in the appendices do make it look longer than it really is. Given its thoroughness, do you feel it was a good idea to include the illustrations, and if so, why?
Yes, I like pictures, and I can look at them.

I think we all would agree with you on that. So, are you planning on reading the entire book?
Yes, I’ll read the book if it has five pictures.

Actually, it has much more than five! Does that get you more excited to finish it?
Yes, I’ll read it because I like it!

Could you provide us with an inside scoop on your dad as an author?
Well, I know his name is Jason, and I like his hair.

I’m sure he appreciates that! Does he have useful things to say in his book?
Yes, sharing…sharing about me.

I believe he does offer a few stories about you in Healing Hereafter. What else should he have told us about you?
I like taking cushions off couches and fighting big monsters.

Impressive, I think people truly underestimate the value of those skills. So now that the book is published, should your father write another book or take a break?
Take a break…take five breaks. Each for five minutes.

Well, he had better do that then! Tell me Levi, have you written any books?
Yes, about a little boy with a sword, and then a T-rex would come and make him get out of the forest!

Sounds very engaging; I’ll look forward to reading it! Is there anything else you feel is important to leave the audience with?
Well, people need to learn about Triceratops.

Well stated; it’s clear we could all benefit from that advice. Thanks for your time and insight! This has been Mr. Levi Dykstra on his father’s book, Healing Hereafter, available in paperback, Kindle, and Nook editions.