
Continuing my “inside scoop” on writing a book for those who aspire to write or just for those who wonder what on earth possesses a person to publish, today is all about what to do with the inspiration that pushes one to write. And the next step for me had nothing to do with writing! Before my index and middle fingers even hit the keyboard (I only type with those four), I had to know what I hoped to accomplish.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, but knownst to me now, an author’s goals drive everything (except our toy garbage truck—my boy lets nothing but him drive that!). The same inspiration will lead to completely different books, covers, page layouts, and marketing campaigns if the goal is getting rich versus informing people versus becoming famous versus entertaining, etc. My income is independent of my writing success, I’m not gung-ho about being famous, and I’m no entertainment expert, but I did have a message to inform the world of! Chocolate milk is still an acceptable beverage for adults! I decided to write about a different message though: the satisfaction and security of making sense of God’s biblical plan for humanity.

The goal of getting a message out is simultaneously very constraining and very rewarding. If I want to convey important truth, I’m constrained to that truth even when the Bible says something unpopular or emotionally unappealing; a novelist can write about whatever people want to hear! I have to discuss occasionally tough, depressing topics; a person writing for royalties or fame can stick with the feel-good material. However, it’s very freeing to make sense of a difficult message in a way people can understand and apply. Instead of providing millions with a pleasant but otherwise unproductive diversion, I get to explain a message that—while appealing to less people—can also benefit them hugely for the rest of their lives, and afterlives! By writing for the person rather than the purchase, I decided to be OK with Healing Hereafter reaching less people, as long as it’s for their greater good. You’ll notice that goal as you read the book, and I hope the message is healing for you!